Comparison of Cartoon with Rapunzel motifs and the original Tale

The cartoon I have picked "The Story of Rapunzel" (1951), by Ray Harryhausen. It is a little different in that the animation is stop motion. Which is a little different then hand drawn animation, or computer generated. However, while it may look different it still does do the job of telling the Rapunzel story. It cuts how some details like the father going to the Sorceresses garden to steal the lettuce called Rapunzel, but it cuts it out more in a way like the Coppola's "The Godfather" (1972), where they cut out some scenes. Except instead of replacing them with something else or cutting out entirely they still have the scenes in the order they happened just with some aspects cut out for time. The Godfather was over 3 hours long, and in this case the reason why they were cut out for was time. Because the reason why in stop motion the people move so stilted. This is due to the process which involves moving them very slowly then they take one picture, or one frame. In screen time one second is at least ten in most animations. Naturally the things cut out were cut out for time. Because from that point on it does very closely resemble the original tale. As far as dialogue, and for the most part what happenings. Rapunzel's hair is cut the same time as when the prince is thrown from the tower. Which was done with more time apart then in the original tale. However it still follows the same events, where the Witch takes Rapunzel to a shack in the desert. Where she doesn't have the twins like she does in the original tale, but she is still found by the Prince who was still blinded, not by thorns, but because the Witch threw a concoction of sorts at his face. Which I imagine was cut out because the thorns would have been a bit graphic. As for Rapunzel not have the twins, was probably cut out for two reasons. The first is probably partly for time, the second is that similar to the thorns in the Prince's eyes being cut. Having Rapunzel not have the children was most likely cut out because that would have made the story much more depressing. Which is obviously the case here, because being an animated short they tend to not always get very realistic, or gory. Not that the original tale was particularly gory, but it did still have some elements that were certainly more realistic. The ending is a very good example, because it really is not that much of a "happy ending", at all. Rapunzel loses the love of her life, who does not fare well either. He loses his eye sight, and spends years mourning his dead wife, and upon finding her he does regain his eyesight, but that doesn't change the fact that he wandered the world without his sight, and did nothing else during that time. To conclude the story does capture the spirit of the original tale, but it lacks in the grizzly aspects that do make the tale more then the usually more chipper tale that is usually shown, like in this for example.

the name of the animator is Ray Harryhausen
the film is called "The Story of Rapunzel" (1951)
the URL is


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