The Difference between the Movie and real life

The first difference is in how they show the brothers obtaining the tales. The movie shows what some believe they actually did, which was going into villages and getting it there. Whereas in real life they invited the people to their homes, where they would be told the tales. Other things were changed, however it is very clear why. To begin with the brothers themselves Will who was in real life the one who got married and had a family, in the movie he's the more outgoing, and womanizing one. The brother Jacob who in real life had a similar personalty to the movie, he however is overexgerated to being more of the comic relief. However they both do have that going for them in the movie. The changes were clearly made, because while the real story was interesting it probably would not have worked for the tone of the movie.

Obviously they did not actually go around creating these hoaxes, and even if they did I can't imagine two very hard core Lutherans, not only excessively drinking but even womanizing. I did think that the change to have them actually encounter the fairy tale creatures, did work out well, because it did fit with what the tone of the movie was going for. Which is basically an over the top SYFY channel style, because if they did make the movie about what actually happened it would make more sense to be a prestige film. However the main difference lies in the brothers in the movie are con-men who encounter a real thing they had been pretending to encounter up to that point. Which is very different from them in real life, because even though they did not fight witches for example, they did greatly contribute to the preserving of various stories told orally that would have other wise lost. Or if they weren't lost, changed a lot. Which is one thing if they change a fictional story which they did with the "A Tale about the Boy Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was", where they changed it from a short story to a multiple page story. However the fact that they still did record the originals is praiseworthy. If only as a means of comparison, kind of like what they do with movies where there is a theatrical release then they sometimes alter it, an example is Star Wars. It admittedly is different to have the option which is important. Not to mention they did also write the German dictionary up to the letter F, which is significant because it took over 100 years for the rest of it to be written.


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