The main difference seems to lie in that while a lot of the same things happened in the tale it is done differently in the movie. The first example is when the huntsman spares her, where she originally pleaded with him, in the movie he said it all, and let her go. Another example is when she encounters the dwarfs and the dwarves tell her she can stay if she does the house work. In the movie she is the one that says it, this changes how the original tale went about it, and changes the message. Which is why in the original tale when she offers to do it, it comes across more as she is trying to survive in the world after being sentenced to death by her stepmother, in the movie I feel like it comes across more as being a part of the filmmakers evidently apparent goal of not having women do anything that contributes to the plot. Obviously this is more due to the time period when this film came out. It was 1937, meaning doing this was more normal back then. Especially back then, because in a lot of these depression era films, as well as a lot of the wartime movies that occurred during the second world war afterwards, a lot of movies had a certain kind of look, and feel to them, where they just had men running everything in all the stories, which was already standard, but also that movies it was more ideal to not upset anyone, especially politically. Granted movies at the time didn't really get overly chipper until a little afterwards, but this films politics really don't age that well.  This was also done in real life having men do most of the work, with exceptions. One that comes to mind is Leni Riefenstahl, a female director that most notably, two years before this movie came out made "Triumph of the Will" (1935), a propaganda movie made for the Nazi party. Nonetheless most movies back then didn't have women really do anything outside of being someones wife or girlfriend. Someone who mostly just sticks to the role of homemaker, which Snow White seems to encapsulate, being a kind of mother to all the dwarves.  Snow White came out in 1937 and it faced many production problems. It was behind schedule, and also was very over budget which does make you wonder how the film came off as well as it did. That being said it leaves no surprise why certain things in the original tale were cut out in this. One of which was the witch coming three times, instead of in the movie were she came once.


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